Science of Dreaming

The Science of Dreaming
by Robert Hoss


  • Section 1 Sleep and Dreaming
  • Section 2 The Neuroscience
  • Section 3 Do Dreams Have a Function?
  • Section 4 Content and the Multiplicity of Dreams
  • References


It is exciting to think that dreams have meaning for us, a message that can help us better understand and transform our lives. Although many of us have experienced the therapeutic value of dreams when we apply solid dreamwork principles, this section will addresses some of the scientific theories and research which attempts to explain the dreaming experience, the neurological mechanisms and suggested meaning and functions of dreams. Dreams may be difficult to understand because they “speak” in a figurative language of picture-metaphor and association – but – it would perhaps be a failure of understanding and imagination if we relegate dreams to the babble of a sleeping mind, simply because we are unable to understand the language of the dreaming brain.

This section begins with answers from various research studies on some of the most frequently asked questions about dreams. You will that we dream every night, in stages all through the night and what happens in each of these stages. The section on neuroscience summarizes recent findings about the state of the brain in REM, NREM and Lucid dreams. You will learn that much our brain remains active when we dream including centers that process emotion, memory, imagery, association, analogical problem resolution and learning – all of which can be associated with our waking life situations and contributes to the inner modeling of our world view. Finally the dream experiences and content is discussed, from the “common” dream to nightmares, lucidity, and various impactful or extraordinary dreams.

If you are interested in understanding and working with your dreams, click on the Dreamwork or Psychology of Dreaming link on this site. There you will find a discussion on the theories and research into the psychological processes and a number of proven tools and approaches for group and individual dreamwork.


READ MORE –  the complete article on the Science of Dreaming