DSF Associated Dream Links
- International Association for the Study of Dreams http://www.asdreams.org
- Click here for information on the following International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) upcoming events where you can meet the author Bob Hoss along with many international dream experts. IASD is the Worlds foremost organization supporting dream studies, education and research with annual and regional international conferences, the magazine Dream Time and the professional APA published Journal Dreaming.
- The Haden Institute Dream Leadership Training – for therapists, clergy and individuals who wish to lead dream groups or enhance their therapeutic skills. www.hadeninstitute.com
- Color in Dreams at DreamGate: Charts, Research, more on this unique research, and dreamworking guide, related to color in dreams Robert J Hoss, MS on YouTube speaks about dreams and the International Association for the Study of Dreams
- Journals Featuring Dream and EP Research
- International Journal of Dream Research: Original articles about dreaming, lucid dreaming and psychological aspects of sleep in general. http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/IJoDR/index
- “Dreaming” Journal of the International Association for the Study of Dreams: The journal publishes scholarly articles related to dreams from any discipline and viewpoint. http://www.asdreams.org/dreaming-journal/
- Energy Psychology Journal: Theory, Research, and Treatment is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to reporting developments in the field of energy psychology (EP) that are of interest to heathcare professionals and researchers. http://energypsychologyjournal.org/
- Dream Links with Research or Scientific Content
Google Dream Sciences http://www.google.com/Top/Science/Social_Sciences/Psychology/Dreams/Interpretation/
- Dreamgate http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/library/idx_science.htm
- Dream and Nightmare Research Laboratory at Montreal’s SacraCoeur Hospital http://www.dreams.ca/science.htm
- The Dream Studies Portal – Ryan Hurd http://dreamstudies.org
- The Quantitative Study of Dreams – Schneider & Domhoff http://dreamresearch.net
- Robert Van de Castle http://ourdreamingmind.com
- Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dream
- Stanley Krippner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Krippner or http://stanleykrippner.weebly.com/
- Ernest Hartmann Bibliograpy: http://www.dreamgate.com/dream/bibs/hrtmnn01.htm
- Outline For A Theory On The Nature And Functions Of Dreaming: http://www.asdreams.org/journal/articles/6-2hartmann.htm
- Alan Hobson – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Hobson
- The Science Behind Dreams: Why We Dream, Meanings, Interpretations & Facts https://www.25doctors.com/learn/dreams-why-we-dream-meanings-interpretations-and-facts
Other Dream Related Links
- Global Dreaming News http://www.dreamunit.net/news-en/0412.shtml
- The Lucidity Institute http://www.lucidity.com/
- Jacque Lewis, PhD Dreamwork Site – http://lotusdream.org/
- J Harthan – DocDream UK http://www.docdreamuk.com/
- Rosa Anwandter – dreams:articles, sleep dreaming, magazine, history, religions myths, interviews with famous dream researchers -http://www.ceoniric.cl/
- Dreams and Psychology Discussion Forum, Captain Cynic http://www.captaincynic.com/forum/emotion-and-psychology/35/dreams.htm
- Energy Psychology Links
- Innersource – information and programs for developing optimal health, personal growth, spiritual development and well-being though Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. www.Innersource.net
- World Center for EFT – emofree.com or eftuniverse.com: former site of EFT founder Gary Craig, this new web site, EFT Universe, contains all the case histories, research reports, practitioner listings, and other content previously found at Emofree.com. Our vision is to host a vibrant EFT community here at EFTUniverse.com, with the resources to help EFT thrive and to facilitate sharing and dialog among the millions of EFT fans worldwide. http://www.eftuniverse.com/
- Soul Medicine Institute (SMI): leading-edge nonprofit dedicated to THERAPIES, to RESEARCH, and to EDUCATION in the fields of Energy Medicine and Energy Psychology. Emerging methods such as meditation, stress reduction, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), and the Relaxation Response offer remarkable new potential for healing both emotional trauma and physical symptoms. http://www.soulmedicineinstitute.org/
- The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology – self-help, professional training programs, research summaries and articles, conference on energy psychology. www.energypsych.org
Other Links of Interest
Wise Counsel http://wisecounsel.mentalhelp.net
David Van Nuys radio shows Shrik Rap Radio http://www.shrinkrapradio.com